Operation World – My New Year’s Resolution

Ten years ago, I was given a copy of Operation World, a prayer guide to every country in the world. After recovering from the marvel at all the work required to produce such a tool, I began to use it on a regular basis to pray for the world.

But the book was almost obsolete the minute it was published. Just days after its 2001 release, terrorists attacked the US on September 11th. To say “that changed everything” is not an overstatement.

Thus, it was with great joy that I received the news that a new edition would be released at the end of 2010. Like its former editions, it contains valuable data to learn about the countries – population, races, religions, political developments, etc. The book also lists answers to prayer and requests.

Mostly, the book expands your vision for the worldwide advancement of the Kingdom of God. As I read about all that God is doing, despite horrific opposition, my trust in God grows remarkably. Another bonus is that I see my place in God’s world from a much larger and spiritually charged vantage point. It is difficult to gripe about lack of air in my tires on a frigid cold day or any other annoyance, remembering what I prayed about that morning – that brothers and sisters in parts of the world are being imprisoned, tortured, or worse for their faith, that God is building his church in places that, just a few years ago, were spiritual wastelands, that people in some parts of the world are coming to Christ in ways that rival the day of Pentecost, etc.

My New Year’s Resolution is to drink from this well of information and stimulation on a daily basis. If we’re interested in developing an integrated worldview and lifestyle, we dare not ignore the larger perspective of God’s work around the world. I invite you to join me.

You can order your copy of the book and other resources at: http://www.operationworld.org/


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