A Break from Blogging

A Break from Blogging

I’m going to take a short break from blogging. I need to in order to concentrate on another writing project. You may recall that I wrote a series of blogs entitled, “21 Evangelism Lessons for the 21st Century.” They reported some of my findings from the research I conducted for my doctoral dissertation. I started discussing the possibility of turning them into a book and, to make a long story short, I now have a contract to do just that.

The working title is Gradual Evangelism: Helping Others Progress on the Journey to Faith. I want to help Christians know what to say after “Hello” and before “Are you ready to become a Christian?”

I have wrestled with the decision to put blogging on the back burner. I’ve seen how some other writers produce books while blogging every day. I marvel at those people. But I also know that God gives a variety of callings, a diversity of gifts, and, apparently, he provides a range of levels of energy.

I’d appreciate your prayers. The obvious requests are for energy, focus, and clarity. The longer perspective prayer is for God to use this book to help Christians point their lost friends to the cross and to do so in a way that leads to salvation. As I speak in numerous places about evangelism, I sense that many Christians are deeply burdened for the unsaved people around them. They want to reach out but don’t know how to start the conversations. They’ve tried strategies that may have worked a few years ago but sense the culture around them has shifted dramatically.

I know enough about writing that this project won’t be easy. And I’d be surprised if the devil will leave me alone during the process. I hope to restart the blogging process in January, even though I don’t plan on finishing the writing of the book until June. I’ll keep you posted.


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